Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Diet of the Week

This week I am basically on the Atkins diet LOL. I am avoiding all carbs and sugar, but I'm letting myself have as much protein and meat as I want. Restricting myself just in one area (carbs) is so much easier than trying to be super healthy with every food group. Although I know this plan can't go on indefinitely because it just wouldn't be healthy, I think it's a great thing to do temporarily when trying to drop a few pounds.

Today for breakfast I had a couple of bacon slices along with scrambled egg whites cooked in butter. Allowing myself to splurge on the bacon and butter made it so much easier not to reach for a cinnamon roll or a biscuit. For lunch I had a hamburger with cheddar cheese (no bun) and some fruit (I don't think fruit is allowed on the Atkins diet but whatever.)

I will be doing this diet until the week of thanksgiving, and I definitely recommend it to everyone looking for a temporary weight loss plan!

Cheats: I did eat some Milano cookies I had bought from Kroger prior to starting the diet because I didn't want them to go bad. I also ate some ice cream in a cone yesterday, and three chocolate cookies today, but those are the only carbs I've eaten all week! No potatoes, no bread, or anything else!:) After thanksgiving is over I will be starting a new diet which I will stay on probably until Christmas, so I'll post all about that in a couple of weeks!

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